

Sermon Title: Transformation (12/9/24) 

Key Bible Passage: 2 Corinthians 11:14 

Sermon Title: Is Anxiety and Worry…(11/24/24) 

Key Bible Passage: Matthew 6:25-34 

Title: How Far Can I Push God? (11/11/24) 

Key Bible Passage: Jonah 1:1-17

Sermon Title: Our God Is Fighting For Us Part III (11/2/24) 

Key Bible Passage: 2 Kings 6:14-17 

Sermon Title: Our God Will Fight For Us Part II (10/26/24)

Key Passage: 2 Kings 6:8-23

Sermon Title: Our God Will Fight For Us (10/12/24)

Key Bible Passage: 2 Kings 6:8-23

Sermon Title: Where Is Your At Heart? (10/5/24)

Key Bible Passage:Luke 15:11-32 

Sermon Title: A Bird Flee To The Mountain (9/20/24)

Key Psalms 11

Sermon Title:Changing Lens (9/14/24)

Key Psalms 10 

Sermon Title: God Is Good…Part II (9/7/24) 

Key Psalms 9

Sermon Title: God Is Good…Part I (9/2/24)

Key Psalms 9 

Sermon Title: Cultivating A Life Of Praise (8/24/24)

Key Psalms 8

Sermon Title: Our Words Have Impact (8/17/24)

Key Psalms 7

Sermon Title: Whatever Challenge (8/3/24)

Key Bible Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1 

Sermon Title: Unconfessed Sin Will Create Distance From God. (7/27/24)

Key Psalms 6 

Sermon Title: Prayer is the key to know God’s Will. (7/19/24) 

Key Psalm 5 

Sermon Title: What Direction Are You On ? (7/13/24)

Key Psalms 4 

Sermon Title: God Got This (Part II) (7/4/24) 

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 3 

Sermon Title: God Got This Part I (6/21/24)

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 3

Sermon Title: Psalms 2 Part 2 : Are You In Rebellion Against God? (6/14/24)

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 2 

Sermon Title: Psalms 2 Part I: Are You In Rebellion Against God? (6/2/24)

Key Bible Passage:Psalms 2

Sermon Title: Two Ways, Two Paths, Two Direction…Part 2 (5/26/24)

Key Bible: Passage: Psalms  1 

Sermon Title: Two Ways, Two Paths, Two Directions…Part 1 (5/18/24)

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 1 

Introduction to Psalms (5/13/24)

Sermon Title: Change The Channel (5/4/24)

Key Bible Passage: Daniel 3:1-30

Sermon Title: Moses Present, Past, and Future Directed him to God. (4/23/24)

Key Bible Passage: Exodus 3:1-15 

Sermon Title:  Do You Have The True Gospel Or Another (4/5/24) 

Key Bible Passage: Galatian 1:6-12

Sermon Title: Light and Darkness (3/23/24)

Key Bible Passage: John 3:16-21

Sermon Title: Believe Part III (3/15/24)

Key Bible Passage: John 3:16-21

Sermon Title: What Manner Does…? Part 2 Salvation (3/2/24)  

Key Bible Passage: John 3:16-21

Sermon Title: Who is god, God, gods…Salvation Part I (2/24/24) 

Key Bible Passage: John 3:16-21

Sermon Title: What Spirit Are You Operating In?  (2/10/24)

Key Bible Passage: 2 Timothy 1:7 

Sermon Title: Have You Counted The Cost In Following Jesus  (1/27/24)

Key Bible Passage: Luke 14:25-35 

Sermon Title: Seeking God’s Presence (1/15/24)

Key Bible Passage: Psalm 27 

Sermon Title: If Today Was…

Key Bible Passage: James 4:13-17 

Sermon Title: The Mind of Perseverance  

Key Bible Passage: James 1:12

Sermon Title: The Ultimate Gift / The Ultimate Hope / Magi 

Key Bible Passage: Matthew 1:18-25; Matthew 2:1-12

Sermon Title: The Ulimate Gift Is The Ultimate Hope (12/15/23)

Key Bible Passage: I Peter 1:3-5

Sermon Title: The Ultimate Gift (12/3/23)

Key Bible Passage: Luke 23:39-46

Sermon Title: Psalms 95 (Thankful Heart) 

Key Bible Passage:Psalms 95:1-11

Sermon Title: What Soil Am I? (11/11/23) 
Key Bible Passage: Matthew 13:3-23

Sermon Title: Am I Saved (11/4/23) 

Key Bible :Titus 3:5-7

Sermon Title : Is Celebrating Halloween a Celebration of Darkness 

Sermon Title: Psalms 91 Part 3 : Spiritual Warfare (10/21/23)

Key Chapter: Psalms 91

Sermon  Title : Psalms 91 Part 2 / Refuge and Fortress (10/14/23)

Key Bible Study: Psalms 91:2 

Sermon Title: Psalms 91 Part 1 : The Secret Place / The Shadow of the Almighty (10/2/23)

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 91:1 

Sermon Title: True  Rest / Do You Have True Rest (9/23/23)

Key Bible Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

Sermon Title: Have You Truly Come To Jesus (9/9/23)

Key Bible Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

Sermon Title: Are You Living The Crucified Life? 

Key Biblical Passage: Galatians 2:20

Sermon Sermon Title: Are You Walking in the Power of Prayer and Praise (8/27/23)

Key Bible Passage:Acts 16:12-26

Sermon Title: How Is Important Is Cross In Your Life? (8/13/23)

Key Bible Passage: I Corinthians 1:18-31 

Sermon Title: Check Your Pulse (7/22/23)

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 1:1-6

Sermon  Title: There is another in the Fire (7/9/23)

Key Bible Passage: Daniel 3 

Sermon Title: There Is Only One Name That Can Saved You (7/3/2023)

Key Bible Passage: Acts 4:1-12

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 23: Prayer 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:18 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 22 : Sword of the Spirit (6/3/23)

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:17

Sermon Title: What Do You Allow To Consume You The Most in This Life (5/20/23)

Key Bible Passage: Job 1:1-22

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 21 : Helmet of Salvation (5/13/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:17

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 20 : Spirit of fear /Sound Mind (5/5/23)

Key Bible Passage: I Timothy 1:7 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 19: Spirit of fear  / Love  (4/22/23) 

Key Bible Passage: I Timothy 1:7 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 18 : Spirit of fear / Power  (4/15/23) 

Key Bible Passage: I Timothy 1:7 

Sermon Title: What Does The Empty Tomb Mean To You? (4/10/23)

Key Bible Passage: Romans 5:1-12

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 17: Let Your Faith Be Stronger Than Your Spirit of Fear (4/1/23)

Key Bible Passage: I Timothy 1:7 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 16 : The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Faith in the Lord (3/26/23)

Key Bible Passage: Hebrew 12:28-29 

Sermon Title Spiritual Warfare Part 15: Shield of Faith (3/18/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:16

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 14: You Can Have Peace  (3/10/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Mark 4:36-41

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 13 : Feet Shod…Peace of the Gospel (3/4/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:15

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 12: Breastplate of Righteousness (2/24/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:14

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 11 :Sin is unacceptable in God’s eyes ( 2/17/23)

Key Bible Passage: Romans 6:23

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 10 (2/11/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:13-14 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 9 (2/3/23)

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:12

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 8 (1/28/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:11

Sermon Title: The Master of the Storms (1/22/23) 

Key Bible Passage: Mark 4:36-41

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 7 (1/16/23) 

What does it mean to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might? 
Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 6:10

Sermon Title: Keep Christ in Christmas 

Key Bible Passage: John 8:12 

Sermon Title: What Is Your Life?

Key Bible Passage: James 13-17

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 6 (Genesis 3:1-7; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5) 

 Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 5 : Three Basic Rules of Spiritual Warfare (Genesis 3:1-7) 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 4:  How Does Satan Operate and How We Should Handle This Knowledge of How Satan Operates (Genesis 3:1-7 and I John 2:16 ) 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 3: How Does Satan Operate and How We Should Handle This Knowledge of How Satan Operates (Genesis 3:1-7 and I John 2:16 ) 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 2: What Kingdom Are You In? (2 Corinthians 4:6) 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 1 : Are We In a Spiritual Warfare? 

Sermon Title: You Will Have Trials in This Life Part II (1 Timothy 1:7) 

Sermon Title: You Will Have Trials in This Life Part 1 (Daniel 3:1-30) 

Sermon Title: Salvation (Romans 6:23) 

Sermon Title: Psalms 9 Part IV (8/21/22) 

Sermon Title : Psalms 9 Part III (8/8/22) 

Sermon Title: Psalms 9 Part II (7/28/22) 

Sermon Title: Keep Your Eyes On God (7/16/22) Saturday 

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 23

Sermon Title: Hope An Anchor in Our Life (6/27/22) 

Sermon Title: God Standing In The Gap (6/20/22) 

Key Bible Passage: Psalm 9 Part I

Sermon Title: Wake Up, Wake Up…Salvation 

Key Bible Passage: John 3:16-21

Sermon Title :Wake Up! Wake Up ! And Come in the Light of the War 

Key Bible Passage: John 8:12

Sermon Title: What Gets You Going? Is It Jesus Or Your Idolatry? 

Sermon Title: Psalms 8:5-9 Part III

Sermon Title: Psalms 8:3-4 Part II

Sermon Title: Psalms 8:1-2 Part I

Sermon Title : The Path of Discipleship Series: The Truth 

Sermon Title: The Path of Discipleship Series : The Life Part 2

Key Bible Passage: John 14:6

Sermon Title: The Path of Discipleship Series : The Way Part 1

Key Bible Passage: John 14:6

Sermon Title : Do You Got That Joy, Joy, Joy…Where?

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 100:1-5

Sermon Title: Are You Living the Crucified Life? 
Key Bible Passage: Galatians 2:20

February 2022 (Sermons) 

4th week

Sermon Title: In This Life, You, I, and Us Will Have Storms 

Key Bible Passage: Mark 4:36-41 

3rd week 

Sermon Title: The Word of God Reveal Our True Enemies and The Word of God Prepare Us For Battle. 

Key Bible Passage: John 10:10 

2nd week 

Sermon Title: Red is the Color of Love and True Love Points to the Cross

Key Bible Passage: Luke 23:13-25

1st week 

Sermon Title: When  Challenges/Storms Come Where Can We Put Our Trust and Faith

Key Bible Passage: Psalms 62:1-8

Jan. 2022 (Sermons) 

Sermon Title: Time is Short and Tomorrow is Not Promise (1/30/22) 

Key Bible Passage: James 4:13-17

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 3 What army are you part of ?

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Part 2 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare Sermon 1

Title: Psalms 18 

2021 Week Sermons 

Oh Lord, Create in Me a Shepherd’s Heart, a Heart for Jesus (12/19/21) 

Oh Lord, Create in Me a Shepherd’s Heart , a Heart for Jesus Part 5 (12/12/21) Sunday 

Oh Lord, Create in Me a Shepherd’s Heart, a Heart for Jesus Part 4 (12/5/21) Sunday 

Oh Lord, Create in Me a Shepherd’s Heart, a Heart for Jesus Part 3 

Oh Lord, Create in Me a Shepherd’s Heart, a Heart for Jesus Part 2 

Oh Lord, Create in Me a Shepherd’s Heart , a Heart for Jesus Part 1 

Sermon Title: Halloween: Where does your heart lie? On Darkness or Light (10/31/2021)

Sermon Title: Christian or Disciple : Is There a Difference (10/24/21) 

Sermon Title: Do You Know My Jesus? 

Sermon Title: Fiery Trials 

Sermon Title: Fear of Lord God 

Sermon Title: Word of God is powerful 

Sermon Title : Salvation 

Sermon Title: Psalm 6 

Sermon Title: False Christianity Verse True Christianity 

Sermon Title: Psalm 5 Prayer 

Sermon Title: Endurance 

Key Bible Passage: Matthew 24:13 

Sermon Title: Seeking God’s for us and our Nation

Key Bible Passage: Jeremiah 20:1-9 

Sermon Title: Spiritual Warfare: Eye Sight 

Sermon Title: Progressive Christianity Final Part 

Sermon Title: Progressive Christianity Part 4 (8/1/ 2021) 

Sermon Title: Progressive Christianity Part 3 

Sermon Title: Progressive Christianity Part 2

Sermon Title: Psalms 4 Part 4 (7/14/21) Wednesday 

Sunday Sermon Title: Progressive Christianity Part I (7/11/2021) 

Sermons: Sermon Title: Psalms 4 Part 3 (7/7/2021) 

Sermon Title : Enemies of the Cross (7/4/2021) Sunday 

Sermon Title: Psalms 4:1-8 Part 2 Righteousness and Holiness (6/30/21) Wednesday 

Sermon Title: I Corinthians 2:9 / Salvation (6/27/2021) Sunday  

Sermon Title: Father’s Day (6/20/2021) Sunday 

Sermon Title : Psalm 4 Part 1 (6/16/2021) Wednesday 

Sunday Sermon Title: Salvation / Holy Spirit (6/13/2021)

Sunday Sermon Title: Jeremiah 18:1-18 (6/6/2021) 

Sermon Title: Psalm 3 Final (6/2/2021) 

Sermon Title: Psalm 3 Part 2 (5/27/2021) 

Sermon Title: Psalm 3 Part 1  / Salvation (5/19/2021) Wednesday 

Sermon Title: Psalm 2 final part (5/12/2021) Wednesday 

Sermon Title: Psalms 2 Continues (5/05/2021) Wednesday 

Sermon Title: Psalms 2 (4/28/2021) Wednesday 

Sermon Title: Suffering (4/21/2021) 

Bible Study on Psalms 1 (4/14/2021) 

Sermon Title: Psalms 1 continues (4/7/2021) 

Sermon Title: Psalms 1 (4/1/2021) 

Sunday Morning (Prayer) Sermon (3/28/2021) 

Title: Life Storms (3/24/2021) Wednesday 

Last Week Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 12 (Prayer) Wednesday 3/17/2021) 

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 11 (Word of God)  Wednesday 3/10/2021

 Sermon Title : Discipleship Part 10 (Spiritual Warfare/ Helmet  of Salvation  (3/3/2021)

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 9 (Spiritual Warfare / Shield ) 2/24/2021 Wednesday 

Sermon Title: Discipleship (Spiritual Warfare) 2/17/2021 Part 8

 Sermon Title: Discipleship (Spiritual Warfare) Part 7 

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 6 (Spiritual Warfare ) 2/3/2021 

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 5

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 4 (1/20/2021) 

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 3 (1/13/2021) 

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 2 (1/6/2021)

Sermon Title: Discipleship Part 1 

Sermon Title: Love of Christmas (12/23/2020) Weds

Sermon Title : Peace of Christmas (12/16/2020) Weds 

Sermon Title: Unspeakable Joy (12/09/2020) 

Sermon Title: Hope for Christmas 

Sermon Title: Be Thankful (11/25/2020)